I am Oren, married to Or and the father of Hagar, Rafael, Hillel and Yoav. I became fascinated with wood seventeen years ago when I stumbled upon a carpentry shop during a job search when I was nineteen. Since the first moment of seeing the wood pieces in this shop, with their unique textures and shades, I was enchanted and that feeling persists to this day. It was in 2011 that I studied cabinet making at the Inside Passage school in British Columbia Canada.
I studied with Master Robert Van Norman who introduced me to another world of woodworking and taught me about the art of traditional wood hand craft and the principles of James Krenov, which to this day guide the way I build and work. I have been teaching carpentry and building furniture for clients since 2012. The furniture I create is built to last forever and contains a mix of design influenced by Scandinavian and Japanese carpentry.
As a carpenter it’s very important to me that the customers who receive our furniture can see and feel that each piece is specially handmade. My passion for wood led me to create the workshop line in order to share it with others. Everything we produce is handmade, from the design to the construction to the packaging. Each piece is locally made at Hasadna here in Abirim, Israel. I invite you to enrich the atmosphere of your home with one of our unique, handcrafted pieces.